At West Hills Church we believe in the expository preaching of the Word of God.

At West Hills Church, we are devoted to the Word of God. We center our Sunday morning services on preaching word for word through the Bible. Our preaching is designed to not only teach you the truth about God but also to show you practically how you can apply it in your own life.

If you would like to hear what our preaching is like, or if you’re here to catch up on a message you missed, click the buttons below. We provide the video and audio of our sermons following the service on Sunday evening or early Monday morning.

We provide the live stream of our full service for those that can not be with us on Sunday morning. We do so for those that are physically not feeling well enough to attend, are out of town, have class or work on Thursday nights, or follow our teaching as an addition to attending their home church.

Please do not use these videos/ podcasts as a substitute for meeting together with your church.

A century and a half ago, Charles Spurgeon addressed those prone to stay home on Sundays rather than gather with Christ’s people: “There are some who even make a bad use of what ought to be a great blessing, namely, the printing press and the printed sermon, by staying at home to read a sermon because, they say, it is better than going out to hear one! Well, dear friend, [even] if I could not hear profitably, I would still make one of the assembly gathered together for the worship of God. It is a bad example for a professing Christian to absent himself from the assembly of the friends of Christ.”

Something unique happens, when members of a church physically gather to worship as one body. A printed sermon—or indeed, a live-streamed one—is no substitute for the in-person assembly of God’s people.