At West Hills church, we believe that the truth of the gospel is accessible to all, including children.

Our desire is to minister to families by serving both parents and children. We accomplish this in two ways:

  1. Family Worship at 10:30am

    Our worship service is designed for the family. Therefore, we encourage families to attend together, even with little ones. We also offer a nursery room for children three years and younger during our service and our full older children’s program if you would like them to attend.

    We offer a family room adjacent to the worship center for little ones who need more space.

  2. Dedicated Children’s Ministry at 10:30am

    We alsobelieve that children benefit greatly from purposeful teaching and discipleship that is designed to partner with their parents to teach them the basic truths of historic Christianity.

    • Children’s Sunday School for Preschool and Elementary age (1st - 5th grade)

      Taking place at 10:30am every Sunday, and led by Children’s Sunday School Coordinator Sarah Christensen, this group facilitates opportunities for little ones to learn, play, and worship together. We have the kids stay in the service for worship and dismiss to the back of the auditorium and the teachers escort them to their class.

      Children’s Sunday School is currently utilizing curriculum from Answers in Genesis.

    • Wednesday Night Kid’s Club

      Taking place at 7PM every Wednesday, this group focuses on teaching truth to young minds and hearts. (Grades 1-5).

    • Wednesday Night Student Ministry

      Taking place at 7PM every Wednesday, this group walks tweens and teens through the New City Catechism, teaching the basics of the Gospel, theology, and the Christian life. (Grades 6-12).